Rahul embarks on a journey to a small town in Tamil Nadu to fulfill the last wish of his grandfather: to have his ashes immersed in the Holy water of Rameshwaram. En route, he meets a woman hailing from a unique family down South. As they find love through this journey in the exuberant lands of South India, an unanticipated drive awaits them.
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Action
Cast: Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Nikitin Dheer, Manorama, Sathyaraj
Producer: Farah Khan, Ronnie Screwvala, Gauri Khan, Vishal Dadlani, Vishal Dadlani
IMDb Score: 6.5/10 by 175 users
Runtime: 141 minutes
Released: 8/8/2013