Japan, 1943, during World War II. Young Suzu leaves her village near Hiroshima to marry and live with her in-laws in Kure, a military harbor. Her creativity to overcome deprivation quickly makes her indispensable at home. Inhabited by an ancestral wisdom, Suzu impregnates the simple gestures of everyday life with poetry and beauty. The many hardships, the loss of loved ones, the frequent air raids of the enemy, nothing alters her enthusiasm…
Genre: Drama, Animation, Romance, War, History
Cast: Non, Daisuke Ono, Mayumi Shintani, Megumi Han, Minori Omi
Producer: Yōji Takeshige, Masao Maruyama, Tatsuya Kushida, Atsuko Fukushima, Kumiko Kawana
IMDb Score: 8.1/10 by 242 users
Runtime: 130 minutes
Released: 11/12/2016