The film consists of three independent parts: "Workmate", "Déjà vu" and "Operation Y". The plot follows the adventures of Shurik (alternative spelling — Shourick), the naive and nerdy Soviet student who often gets into ludicrous situations but always finds a way out very neatly. "Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures" was a hit movie and became the leader of Soviet film distribution in 1965.
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Aleksandr Demyanenko, Mikhail Pugovkin, Aleksei Smirnov, Yuriy Nikulin, Georgiy Vitsin
Producer: Viktor Babushkin, Leonid Gayday, Leonid Gayday, Artur Berger, Konstantin Brovin
IMDb Score: 7.9/10 by 111 users
Runtime: 95 minutes
Released: 7/23/1965