Set in 1958, Populaire focuses on Rose Pamphyle, who lives with her widowed father and is destined to marry a son of the local mechanic. Rose travels out of town and applies for a secretarial job with an insurance agency run by Louis Échard. Louis learns that Rose can type with extraordinary speed -- using only two fingers -- and he tells her to compete in a speed-typing competition if she wants the job.
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Cast: Romain Duris, Déborah François, Bérénice Bejo, Shaun Benson, Mélanie Bernier
Producer: Guillaume Schiffman, Laure Gardette, Nicolas Ronchi, Alain Attal, Sophie Reine
IMDb Score: 6.6/10 by 364 users
Runtime: 111 minutes
Released: 11/27/2012